Adult Martial Arts

Adult Martial Arts at EWO gives you a boost in self-confidence while improving your personal safety and physical, mental & emotional capacities.

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EWO Adult Martial Arts wants to HELP You Protect Yourself while Increasing Your Fitness Level!

Motivated EWO students are provided all the tools necessary to enhance the body's basic functions such as increased flexibility, core strength, and endurance. All while learning to defend yourself during adult martial arts classes.

Physical Fitness

EWO training helps to increase your overall fitness level and control your weight. The benefits of a cardio workout that builds muscle are invaluable.


Your self-confidence will grow as you achieve each skill and progress through the ranks. Plus you will bond with your fellow students.

Flexible Schedule

EWO Martial Arts training is designed to accommodate even the busiest schedule. Come in and find your perfect training time.

EWO Martial Arts Reviews

Read what martial arts practitioners say about the EWO programs.

“By WomanPower I learned to do forms, which are like active meditation. I can repeat my forms at home and relax my body and my spirit. I also learned how to react when someone tries to attack my borders.

But it is not with aggressive fighting. I learned to do it with clever techniques. I feel strong. It brings out the power in me.” 
— Elif S. Öktem, Enschede

“Verreweg de beste zelfverdediging leerschool in Enschede en omstreken. Je leert op een rustige en gestage wijze verschillende bewegingsvormen en daarnaast oefen je de toepassingen van deze vormen een-op-een met je medestudenten.”

Walter von Gabain, Almelo

“Ik wilde geen teamsport doen, want ik heb een drukke baan en dan moet je flexibel zijn. En dan kom je bij een individuele sport. Maar ik ben ook niet iemand die naar de sportschool gaat.

Dus dan is dit een mooie oplossing: heel flexibel en je bent vrij. Het is niet alleen maar fysiek bezig zijn, je leert ook nog wat. Je leert… het is gewoon een programma, een soort lesprogramma.

Het is niet alleen aan de machines hangen en kracht opbouwen. Het is gewoon: je leert wat, je maakt progressie. Dus dat is interessant.

“Ik zie heel veel internationale studenten en verder gewoon normale mensen die niet op zoek zijn naar geweld of zo. Mensen die gewoon iets diepers zoeken met hun lichaam en nadenken met hun geest.”

— Marc Blaauw, Hengelo

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Stress & Burnout

At EWO we help members to deal with their stress through physical and mental martial arts training. EWO Martial Arts gives you a positive attitude and teaches you to control your fear. You are encouraged to persevere. You will see that you can do more than you thought possible. This will give you more self-confidence. EWO training also helps you lose weight. You burn a lot of calories, strengthen your muscles and your metabolism improves. This inhances your general health.

EWO Anti-Stress & -Burnout

Feeling Unsafe?

Through special EWO Adult Martial Arts programmes, our students learn, among other things, to recognise danger and avoid dangerous people, places and activities.

You improve strength, fitness, flexibility, body control and self-control. You learn to protect yourself from aggression in the most effective form, in the shortest time possible. Self-defence at EWO is deliberate, goal-oriented and effective.

EWO Adult Martial Arts vs Violence

Steady Improvements

At EWO Academy, adult martial arts classes are led by expert martial arts instructor Sifu Edgar Zimmermann. With high-quality programmes, you will learn in a clean, comfortable, safe and modern facility.

We design all the equipment to train individuals through step-by-step development into skillfull martial artists. The training system at EWO Academy is designed so that any student with a willingness to try, learn and persevere can become a skilled martial arts practitioner.

EWO Martial Arts classes - Steady Improvements

Personal Victory

EWO students achieve a ‘personal victory’ in Martial Arts and in life. Students learn diverse and practical applications of techniques in realistic scenarios through repetition alone and with partner. The most notable benefits of training at EWO are:
1.Development of skills that help in managing conflicts. 2.Reducing stress by releasing tension. 3.Resisting temptations that often arise in everyday life.

EWO Martial Arts - Personal Victory

Levels Of Experience

At EWO Academy, Adult Martial Arts classes are offered to students of all experience levels and backgrounds. 

Studying martial arts is a fun, effective, increasingly-popular way to stay in shape, increase focus and speed, make good friends and learn to defend yourself. 

Students are provided with a high-quality, approved course curriculum with defined practical concepts for all students, from novice to advanced.

EWO Academy - Levels of Experience

2 Weeks FREE!

EWO Self-Defence is a PRESENT that will last a lifetime. You will benefit from it at school and at work.