EWO WingTczun

EWO WingTczun is meditation in motion and at the same time it is the most effective form of unarmed self-defence.

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Improve, with EWO WingTczun, your Tactile Skills for Sharper Reflexes in Close Combat.

EWO WingTczun (Wing Chun, Wing Tsun), which means Eternal Spring, is a Southern Chinese martial art (Kung Fu). It is designed for close combat self defence, which teaches how to benefit from its system, physically and emotionally.

Higher Self Esteem

EWO WingTczun gives you a higher self esteem and builds up your confidence. It teaches you not only survival in a conflict but also how to finish a conflict safely if you choose to. It gives you the skill how to get rid of an offender, attacker or an intruder if he tries to intimidate you by going into your personal space without your permission. This attack can mean not only physically but also emotionally.

Confindence & Optimum Skill

In both cases, working with the principles and teachings of WingTczun, gives you the confidence by ensuring your skill to its optimum that you have the ability to avoid a conflict as well as the endurance and power to finish one safely.

EWO WingTczun Principles & Concepts

EWO WingTczun works with two aspects:
1. Principles, concepts and techniques
2. Chi Sao and application
Principles, concepts and techniques form a guideline to how EWO WingTczun works. Within these guidelines a great part of the learning is based on Forms. Forms are like meditative movements which become the movements of self defence techniques when used in applications.

Chi Sao - Arms Reflex Training

Chi Sao (sticky arms, arms reflex training) and application means working with a partner. This happens in a very controlled environment in which each student is accountable for his own actions. Therefore a student is not allowed to try power on others.
When two steps are passed then power in the application is worked by means of self defence tools and not by means on hitting partners. Therefore the exercises are safe, nourishing and empowering.

Three Main Lineages

EWO WingTczun is the result of practicing more than 37 years (since 1987) different Wing Chun, Wing Tsun and Weng Chun lineages, by Sifu Edgar Zimmermann. The knowledge of Sifu Edgar comes from studying the Yip Man/ Leung Ting lineage, from studying the Eternal Spring lineages of the families Tang, Dung and Lo and from studying the pre-1850 Yik Kam lineage.

EWO WingTczun Reviews

Read what martial arts practitioners say about EWO WingTczun.

“Sinds meer dan 32 jaar doe ik aan vechtsporten. WingTczun is als zelfverdediging zeer goed bruikbaar. Alles wordt simpel gehouden, wat zeer doeltreffend is.
De lessen van Edgar Zimmermann heb ik als zeer prettig ervaren. Hij is duidelijk in waar hij les in geeft en hij staat achter wat hij zegt.”

— Willem van Doorn, Schiedam (5e Dan Jiu-Jitsu, 3e Dan Aikido, 3e dan Judo, 2e dan Karate-Jitsu)

“Ik heb meerdere gevechtskunsten beoefend in mijn leven, sinds 2000 train ik alleen nog bij Edgar Zimmerman. Ik kom elke week vanuit de Randstad naar Enschede om van zijn lessen gebruik te maken. Zijn ervaring en kennis is ongeëvenaard. WingTczun is een zeer effectieve en interessante Kung Fu variant waarbij men leert vanuit een korte afstand zichzelf te verdedigen. Je leert je lichaam op een heel nieuwe manier te gebruiken, wat weerslag heeft op de mentale gemoedstoestand; dit is wat de academie bedoelt met ‘meditatie in beweging’.”

Lars Scholten, Leiden

“Leuk en toch ook soms ingewikkeld om te leren. Maar uiterst effectief!”

— Watze de Vries, Hengelo 

Praising & Eternal

There are basically two ‘Wing Chun’ branches: Praising (or Beautiful) Spring and Eternal Spring. Eternal Spring derives more or less from Fujian White Crane only, while Praising Spring derives from White Crane and additionly from the Ermei Snake style of the Sichaun province. Nowadays it is also said that the Shaolin Short Strike style had some influence on Praising Spring.
At EWO we train both ‘Spring’ branches, but we use only the name Eternal Spring.

Praising (Beautiful) Spring & Eternal Spring

Yip Man & Bruce Lee

After Yip (currently it’s Ip) Man moved from Foshan to Hong Kong in 1949, he started teaching the Praising Spring style, which he learned from Yuen Kay Shan in Foshan. However, before that Yip Man studied the Eternal Spring style of his Sifu Chan Wah Shun.
The most famous student of Yip man was Bruce Lee, who became a huge international movie star and who paved the way for modern mixed martial arts (MMA) styles with the blockbuster Enter the Dragon. Bruce Lee introduced the Praising Spring style to the West by using the spelling Wing Chun.

Yip (Ip) Man & Bruce Lee

Leung Ting Wing Tsun

Yip Man’s last student was Leung Ting, who studied before under Leung Sheung (1st student of Yip Man in Hong Kong). Appointed by Yip Man, Leung Ting served a short period as head instructor for the Ving Tsun Athletic Association. Later, Leung Ting used the spelling ‘Wing’ for Praising. The ‘W’ is the correct letter like in ‘wisdom’, contrary to ‘vitality’ with the letter ‘V’. With the help of Leung Tings student Keith R. Kernspecht, Wing Tsun became known all over the world.

Sifu Edgar Zimmermann - Leung Ting Wing Tsun

Dai Duk Lan

Edgar Zimmermann finished the Wing Tsun system in 2001 as a trainingspartner of Sergio Iadarola, who learned the unarmed system from Leung Ting and the armed system from Allan Fong (old student of Leung).
2004 was the start for exploring the Eternal Spring branch, which are the linages of Tang Yik, Chu Chung Man and Lo Chiu Woon (Wai Yan).

In the 1950’s the research academy Dai Duk Lan was the mekka for Eternal Spring in Hong Kong, which even was visited by Yip Man. Chu Chung Man and Tang Yick were the teachers here.

Eternal Spring - Dai Duk Lan: Tang Yick, Chu Chung Man

Expand Horizons

Studying Eternal Spring helps to increase the understanding of ‘Wing Chun’. There is e.g. much more flow involved by training with the wooden dummy compared to the Yip Man style and the Long Pole training takes you to the next level. Due to the contacts of Sergio Iadarola, the information about theory, forms, application etc. (which includes the armed and unarmed systems) came from Cheng Kwong, from Tang Chun Pak and from Sunny So (the biggest part).

Sifu Edgar Zimmermann - Eternal Spring: Cheng Kwong, Tang Chun Pak, Sunny So

Wing versus Weng

In Hong Kong the original official western writing/spelling of the Chinese character 永 (eternal) is ‘Wing’.

Strange enough many European Eternal Spring (永春) schools use however ‘Weng’ instead of ‘Wing’. They pronounce it as ‘Weng’ like in the words, Denver or everlasting.

However, that is the wrong kind of e. It would not be incorrect had they used the pronunciation as in England or eternal.

EWO - Eternal means Wing


2014 was the start for exploring the pre-1850 Yik Kam ‘Wing Chun’ branch. After 1850 (the beginning of the Taiping Rebellion) the long form Siu Lien Tau (training of the small details) got split up into the forms Siu Nim Tau (Little Idea), Chum Kiu and Biu Tze.
After standing meditation, the key is to practice the form slow by using the wind element.
At EWO we train this internal style in the Elite classes. This is another eye-opener and a must for ‘Wing Chun’ enthusiasts.

EWO WingTczun - Sifu Edgar Zimmermann pre-1850 Siu Lien Tau

EWO WingTczun since 2000

At EWO we use the name WingTczun since 2000 for copyright reasons. For 春, most of the ‘Spring’ branches use ‘Chun’ and many use ‘Tsun’ (the ‘s’ is pronounced like in ‘sure’). We kept the ‘T’, so that the name in short (WT) doesn’t get referred to water closet (WC) and used ‘cz’ from ‘Czech Republic’ instead of ‘s’.
WingTczun is the result of practicing more than 37 years different lineages and teaching more than 30 years adults and children, by Edgar Zimmermann. Anyway, regardless how good you are, there is always room for improvement.

EWO WingTczun - Sifu Edgar Zimmermann with Long Pole Dummy

EWO Self-Defence

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EWO Self-Defence is a PRESENT that will last a lifetime. You will benefit from it at school and at work.