EWO Bully Prevention

EWO Bully Prevention gives children the skills to stand up for themselves.

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Parents, EWO Bully Prevention Helps Children Stand Up To Bullying!

No one should ever become a target or victim in life, though unfortunately for most of us, it is almost inevitable to occur in some form at some point. EWO Bully Prevention prepares kids for that.

At School

Unfortunately, just about all strategies in schools do not work and are based on myths. This can damage children rather than help.

At Home

Parents have mostly not an accurate perception of how much their children are being bullied.

In The Community

EWO Martial Arts takes bullying very seriously. We make children aware of their attitudes and we encourage 'setting boundaries'.

EWO Reviews

Read what parents say about the EWO programs.

“Goede sportschool. Onze zoon is sterker geworden, zowel lichamelijk als geestelijk, dankzij de goede begeleiding en instructie. De training is best intensief en aan het eind is er altijd nog even tijd voor ontspanning. Kortom, we gaan al ruim 5 jaar met plezier naar de training.”

Afra Keyzer, Enschede

“Met veel plezier hebben mijn dochters (12 jaar) de Kungfu lessen gevolgd. De kinderen worden er vriendelijk en met respect behandeld. Dat vind ik erg belangrijk voor mijn dochters want ze zijn nogal verlegen. Het is zeker goed geweest voor hun zelfvertrouwen.”

— Francien de Swart, Nijverdaal

“Mijn dochter vindt het een fijne sport en gaat er erg graag naartoe. Als zelfverdediging-sport voor kinderen/ jongeren is EWO Kids zeker aan te raden.”

— Betty Arend, Enschede

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Stop Bullying Now

More than 70% of children see bullying in school. Bullying can be physical, verbal or indirect. It can range from mild teasing to spreading rumors to pushing and hitting. Bullying frequently occurs on the internet as well.

At EWO Martial Arts Academy we work with children teaching quality life skills in martial arts that deliver great results at home, in school and in the community.
Learning how and when to manage bullying is key. EWO students learn to stand firm and to stand up for themselves and others.

EWO Bully Prevention - Stop Bullying Now

High Self-Esteem

The physical and psychological effects of bullying are often very harmful, far-reaching and long-lasting. Bullying usually begins in 2nd grade and occurs throughout life. 
High self-esteem, achieved through EWO Bully Prevention and Martial Arts training, helps children resist the negative effects of bullying. It is important for a child to develop high self-esteem and strong friendships to distance themselves from situations in which they might be bullied.

Leadership Skills

At the EWO Academy in Enschede, we empower adults and children to resist the harmful phenomenon of bullying. Through martial arts, members get the tools, to stand on firmer ground. Leadership skills come in handy here.
It worries Sifu Edgar Zimmermann greatly when children are victimized by anyone, but especially their peers. Being a victim of a bully can cause a child to avoid school, develop lifelong fears, take violent revenge actions and even commit suicide.

EWO Bully Prevention - Building Strong Leader

Tools To Succeed

With EWO Bully Prevention, we provide your child with the tools needed to succeed. We teach your child to walk away (while remaining calm and not running away), to tell assailants to stop, and to use humour to rapidly halt a bullying situation. Making eye contact with others (especially the bully) and talking in a strong voice have also been found to reduce the incidence. Of course, we also teach self-defence skills, in case conflicts become physical.

EWO Bully Prevention - Tools To Succeed

2 Weeks FREE!

EWO Self-Defence is a PRESENT that will last a lifetime. You will benefit from it at school and at work.