EWO Self-Defence training equipts you with the tools to protect yourself physically and it enhances your mental capacity, resilience and awareness. EWO – Ezcrima WingTczun Org.® provides realistic solutions for powerful & effective self protection.
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EWO programs help people to overcome their fears, help shy children stand up for themselves without having to beat down a bully, help teenagers learn self defence skills so that their parents wouldn’t have to worry when their kids take on a new challenge in life. The quality of life a person leads and works, he does come to depend on two skills the most:
– the skill to focus on one thing at a time
– the skill to go on and not to give up
Skills such as these don’t come anyone easily. They need to be learned and practised vigorously so that they become your second nature.
EWO has developed its programs to accommodate these two skills in every step of your learning so that after you graduate from an EWO program focusing becomes your second nature while not giving up becomes a habit for life, because they both become automated and integrated into your physical memory by taking their forever place in your cells’ learning space.
All of this is done within the means of carefully designed curriculums at EWO. These programs are much more than just means to a better self confidence. The programs are also about developing personal excellence.
EWO stands for excellence in skill development for a healthy body, a focused mind and for positive energy. It’s about ‘a sound mind in a sound body’, which is the English translation of a famous quotation by the Greek philosopher Thales and the usual translation for the Latin aphorism ‘mens sana in corpore sano’. Calmness and using the body’s natural alignment and mechanics will help you physically and mentally, to get your healthy mind in your healthy body.
EWO combines eastern (Chinese & Filipino) and western (Historical European) martial arts and philosophy; it combines wisdom and knowledge from Europe and from Asia. Seeing and observing things from different views or angles help to understand things better and help to reach goals much quicker. The term ‘Martial Arts’ by the way, today typically synonymous with ‘Asian Fighting Arts’, is from the Latin language and means ‘Arts Of Mars’ – the Roman god of war.
These are two brilliant quotes, one from the East and one from the West:
“If you are depressed, you are living in the past and if you are anxious, you are living in the future. Only if you are at peace, you are living in the present.” — Lao Tzu
“There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown and those who do not see. — Leonardo da Vinci
The main martial art at EWO is the Chinese Kung Fu style WingTczun (Wing Chun, Wing Tsun, Weng Chun). In the leadership lessons we teach also the Filipino art Ezcrima (Escrima, Eskrima, Arnis, FMA) and Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA).
Read what martial arts practitioners say about the EWO programs.
“Uitstekende lessen van de zeer kundige Sifu Edgar Zimmerman. Ik volg deze trainingen al jaren, heb hier heel veel geleerd en ik weet zeker dat ik hier nog jarenlang veel kan leren.”
— Matthias Kortleven, Enschede
“Een betere vorm van bewegen is er gewoon niet. De meester is zeer geduldig en je hebt ook zeker een leuke groep om mee samen te sporten. Ik heb mijn zelfvertrouwen weer terug gevonden en sta sterker op mijn benen. Zeker een aanrader!!!”
— Michel Smelter, Enschede
“Voor mij zijn de EWO-trainingen heel erg ontspannend. Afgezien van het feit dat je lekker in beweging bent, ben je ook helemaal in het hier en nu. Geen gelegenheid om je gedachten te laten afdwalen, om je bezig te houden met alle dingen die je normaal zo bezig kunnen houden, eigenlijk heel meditatief dus.
Verder zit voor mij het plezier en de uitdaging bij de training in het zoeken naar en vinden van de juiste balans, reactiesnelheid en het op een goede manier gebruik maken van je power. Dingen die je – weliswaar op een andere manier – ook kunt gebruiken in je dagelijkse leven.”
— Mirjam Wolf, Enschede
Our EWO classes for effective self-defence are all about realistic protection. Here we teach: 1.how you can protect yourself against one or multiple opponents in different distances, 2.how you can protect yourself against an opponent who is using sticks or bladed weapons (knife etc.) and last but not least 3.how to avoid situations like that. Situational awareness and the ability to ‘see’ (not just looking!) what’s going on around you, are important concepts therefore.
WingTczun (Eternal Spring) is a Southern Chinese Kung Fu style. It is a close combat style, which is perfect for effective unarmed self-defence. EWO WingTczun is the result of practicing more than 37 years different Wing Chun, Wing Tsun and Weng Chun lineages, by Sifu Edgar Zimmermann. The knowledge of Sifu Edgar comes from studying the Yip Man/ Leung Ting lineage, the Eternal Spring lineage and the pre-1850 Yik Kam lineage.
In Ezcrima we train, in a safe way, with single stick in the beginning. More advanced training is with double sticks, Tonfa, Staff etc. Only somebody who knows how to use weapons has a chance against an opponent who is armed with a weapon. In the EWO Elite programs we also train with different bladed weapons from the European Medieval systems.
However, as in other EWO programs it is all about safety during the training and about developping skills for effective self-defence.
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