Sifu Edgar Zimmermann

Sifu Edgar Zimmermann is a passionate Martial Artist for more than 37 years and the owner of EWO Academy for over 30 years.

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Expand your Awareness by Learning Martial Arts from Sifu Edgar Zimmermann.

Sifu Edgar Zimmermann started with (Yip) Ip Man Wing Chun in Germany in 1987 – with the Wing Tsun system of GM Leung Ting. Leung Ting was the last closed door disciple of Great Grandmaster Ip Man. Edgar Zimmermann's first teacher was Sifu Peter Maull, the 2nd senior student of Dai-Sifu Keith R. Kernspecht (Chief Instructor of EWTO).

Langenzell Castle/ Germany

In 1992 Sifu Zimmermann started with Latosa Escrima (Filipino Martial Art with European roots) under Master Bill Newman.

After receiving the 1st technician degree WT in 1992 from Dai-Sifu Kernspecht at the EWTO headquarter in Langenzell Castle/ Germany, Sifu Zimmermann decided to teach full time Martial Arts.
1994 he moved to Enschede/ Netherlands for teaching full time Martial Arts in his own school, while continuing his training at Langenzell Castle.
In December 1994 he met Sifu Sergio Iadarola who became a trainings partner and a very good friend.

Sifu Edgar Zimmermann - Teaching Full Time Martial Arts

He attended to many Martial Arts seminars, small group or private lessons in Europe during the period 1987-2000, with e.g.:
– Grandmaster Leung Ting, Dai-Sifu Kernspecht, Sifu P. Maull, Sifu H.P. Edel and others for Wing Tsun.
– Grandmaster Rene Latosa, Master Bill Newman, Sifu H. Pfaff and others for Escrima.
– UFC Champion Bas Rutten, Sifu E. Botztepe, Sifu S. Avci and others for ground fighting.
He passed his examination for the 1st Technician degree in Latosa Escrima in 1998, after which he became Chief instructor for the Netherlands.

EWO Reviews

Read what people say about Sifu Edgar Zimmermann.

“…een van de meest kundige vechtkunstenaars van NL, een aanrader.”

Sifu Sergio Iadarola, Madeira/Portugal (CEO of IWKA, Author of ‘The 6 Core Elements, the SLT and History of Wing Chun’)

“GM Edgar Zimmermann is a trainer with exceptional martial arts- as well as social skills.
His way of teaching is focused on the individual level of his students, which strongly improves their personal learning curves.”

Roy Mol, Doetinchem

“Wingtczun heeft mij, vanwege de eenvoud en de effectiviteit in de zelfverdediging, gegrepen. Technieken die mij geheel onbekend waren bleken uiterst effectief te zijn.
De zogenaamde kettingstoten heb ik direct in mijn karate lessen verwerkt. Ik zie dit systeem als een prima aanvulling op mijn huidige budo stijlen.
Edgar Zimmermann is een leraar die enorm goed les geeft en een hart heeft voor het WingTczun.”

Harry Gorter, Deventer (5e dan Ashihara Karate, 2e dan Kyokushin Karate, heeft een achtergrond van meer dan 40 jaar in Karate en meerjarige ervaring in het allround gevecht Budokai en Pankrase)

Mission Accomplished

Sifu Edgar Zimmermann finished the unarmed system of GM Leung Ting in 2000 and the armed system in 2001 as a trainings partner of Sifu Sergio Iadarola, who learned the unarmed system from GM Leung Ting and the armed system from Sifu Allan Fong (longtime student of GM Leung Ting).

Sifu Edgar Zimmermann with Sifu Allan Fong, Sifu Keith R. Kernspecht, Sifu Emin Boztepe and Sifu Sergio Iadarola

Ezcrima WingTczun Org.

Sifu Zimmermann started up EWO in 2000, the Ezcrima WingTczun Org., to promote realistic Martial Arts and effective self-defence for grownups, children and teenagers.

After realizing that the Ip Man system in general was not the only Wing Chun lineage he decided in 2004 to study other lineages, e.g. the lineages of the Eternal Spring families Tang, Lo and Ding.
EWO Logo

Eternal Spring

He studied the art of the Eternal Spring lineages of the Dai Duk Lan of the Great Grandmasters Tang Yick and Chu Chung Man under Sifu Tang Chung Pak (successor of Tang Yick) and Sifu Sunny So (the last student of Tang Yick). From the Wai Yan/ Cheng Kwong lineage Sifu Zimmermann also received the knowledge of the Saam Baai Fut form and applications. From the Pak Cheung lineage he got another view on the Eternal Spring system of GGM Tang Suen who was the father of GGM Tang Yick.

EWO - Eternal Spring

European Combat Systems

Due to research into the secret societies, Sifu Zimmermann studied the teachings of different systems (Fujian) and the teachings and history of different Praising (Beautiful) Spring lineages, e.g. the pre-1850 Yik Kam lineage.
Another great passion of Sifu Zimmermann is using a variety of swords, spears, shields, staff weapons etc. from the European Medieval and Renaissance combat systems (source of Ezcrima).
Sifu Edgar Zimmermann - Training with a Sabre from 1876

International Teachings

In addition to his ongoing teachings in the Netherlands, Sifu Zimmermann gave also lessons in Germany, England, Finland and Turkey.

He taught high degree practitioners from different Martial Arts such as Wing Chun, Hung Gar Kung Fu, Kyokushin Kai Karate, Ashihara Karate, Aikido, Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Taekwondo, Escrima, Jodo etc.

EWO - International Teachings

Man of Arrival

In april 2015, after 28 years of practice in WingTczun (Wing Chun, Wing Tsun, Weng Chun), Sifu Edgar Zimmermann officially became Grand Master with the age of 45.
Around that time he implemented the rotating curriculum for teaching group lessons at the EWO Academy. Compared to the linear curriculum, it’s a much more efficient way to teach groups. This method he learned from the Karate Grandmasters Stephen Oliver and Jeff Smith from the USA.
There is always room for improvement in different areas and there are always people who know more in certain areas.

Sifu Edgar Zimmermann - Hong Kong Avenue of Stars, Bruce Lee

Sifu Edgar Zimmermann's Photo Gallery

EWO Self-Defence

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EWO Self-Defence is a PRESENT that will last a lifetime. You will benefit from it at school and at work.