EWO Kids Martial Arts is developing life skills that help kids socially, in school and at home.
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Home > EWO Kids Martial Arts
EWO Martial Arts training helps to increase focus and concentration. These traits help with better grades and better behavior.
Discipline and following instructions are a large part of EWO Martial Arts training. This leads to better behavior at home.
EWO Martial Arts training helps to build leadership qualities that make for great community members.
“Wat ik persoonlijk heel goed vind, is dat de kinderen iedere les er wat nieuws bij leren en dat er om de zoveel tijd examens zijn. Dit motiveert de kinderen enorm.”
— Mitchell Haverkamp, Hengelo
“Deze sport geeft je kind zelfvertrouwen. Je zult zien dat hij/zij groeit. Zal beter met conflicten om kunnen gaan en veel meer discipline krijgt in alle dagelijkse dingen, zoals persoonlijke hygiëne en om zijn eigen ‘rommel’ op te ruimen. Echt een aanrader dus.”
— Bjorn Hueskes, Enschede
“De training wordt met rust en geduld gegeven, er is aandacht voor de kinderen en de leraar is consequent en stelt grenzen. Kinderen krijgen een compliment als ze het goed doen en hulp als ze iets nog niet beheersen. Dit geeft de kinderen zelfvertrouwen.”
— Marina Nobar, Enschede
EWO Kids training provides children with the chance to practice in many areas so that they can also get better in their everyday life activities. The EWO programs for children work hand in hand with the parent.
The Little EWO Kids (4-6 yr.) program concentrates on your little one’s ability to interact with others in a safe environment while teaching life long lasting skills in a fun way. It is the best fit especially for those little ones who are a bit too shy for the play ground outside, but are too bored at home. It provides a controlled environment in which your little ones can grow their abilities in teamwork, self expression, balance, coordination and focus.
Concentration is like a muscle that needs regular exercise to grow stronger. EWO Martial Arts provides kids with strategies that help improve their ability to focus and maintain their attention. Schoolwork requires students to be able to concentrate for extended periods of time.
Participating in EWO Martial Arts requires even more concentration. This ability to concentrate and sustain attention is crucially important. As students learn and improve, they will grow life skills such as self-confidence and positive self-esteem.
Almost all young children are naturally impulsive. How do you teach a child to deal with this impulsive behavior? –Self-discipline. A child who has self-discipline and self-control has a huge advantage in dealing with life’s challenges.
So many problems can be avoided when a person has self-control. EWO Martial Arts is the perfect solution to help teach students self-control and self-discipline.
EWO Martial Arts training and educational training share a very important goal: to inspire attitudes and actions that turn students into motivated, confident, capable, and self-reliant leaders. In school, high test scores are rewarded with good grades.
EWO Kids develop skills and traits needed to meet diverse challenges, such as studying to earn good grades. Just a few more are discipline, self-esteem, self-worth, courtesy and respect for others.
With these aspects EWO Kids programs are compact educational programs with levels and certificates as well as motivational badge implementations.
It is a unique experience aimed to help children discover their true potential.
“I wish that one day children from all places will discover and work within their true potentials.”
— Sifu Edgar Zimmermann, EWO Chief Instructor
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